Congress Talks
Couldn’t attend the KPNI Congress 2024? Dive deep into the approaches of the leading experts in clinical psychoneuroimmunology. Access all the content now!
All talks available in English and Dutch. Check prices as follows.
1 video = 72 €
All videos = 570 €

Masterclass with Dr Leo Pruimboom, hosted by Robert Verkerk PhD
Stress is only stress when it irritates long enough to produce a molecular pattern that activates the immune system. In this way it becomes logical that toxic emotions or toxic thoughts can make you ill. The conventional view of health and disease has forgotten that a disease is the consequence of a universal phenomenon called ‘Life’. So to unravel the film of every malady, it is necessary to identify the stressors and pathways by which ‘irritation’ causes inflammation. From here, we can learn how to change ‘Life’, along with our responses and behaviours, to reduce or eliminate inflammation and become robust, as nature intended.