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1st of June

Inflammation as the cause of all disease and how to resolve it.

Can we use natural anti-inflammatories or are they as harmful as NSAIDs?

1 Day Masterclass with Dr. Leo Pruimboom in London.
Online streaming available (program is in UK time)

Chronic diseases can be caused by multiple risk factors and so, no universal risk factor has ever been found. Nevertheless, different chronic diseases have one universal denominator, which can be defined as a non-successful immune response.

The immune system, in constant communication with the brain, ‘knows’ how to solve almost all challenges it faces and that’s why humans and all other organisms prevail. Autoimmune disease, cancer, neurodegeneration, and metabolic diseases are all a direct consequence of ‘altered’ brain-immune system decisions, mostly seen as pathological responses.

This master class will demonstrate that it is not the immune system which is responsible for the prolonged activity of itself. It is not even the brain that we can blame. Instead, we should focus on the way disease is interpreted by the brain, when applied interventions disturb the communication through neuro-endocrino-bone-muscle axes.

In this masterclass we provide answers to questions that are rarely asked. For example, how come multiple sclerosis exists in humans? How does it evolve given the fact that the immune system ‘knows’ how to resolve it? We will examine the use of cryotherapy, NSAIDS, antibiotics and other allopathic and non-allopathic interventions as a direct cause of chronification.

Disease is a consequence of every patient’s life history, but disease is not the end of that ‘film’ and thus symptomatic treatment should be considered one of the most important risk factors for chronicity.



09.00 – 09.30
09.30 – 17.00
17.00 – 18.00
Mingle with wine


The China Exchange
(A short walk from Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus stations)


32a Gerrard St, London W1D 6JA

Early-Bird offer until the 1st of May

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